Texas is ideally situated for two upcoming solar eclipses and our great state will be at the heart of eclipse...
For the March meeting, Tom Heisey gave a presentation on the upcoming members' only Messier Marathon, with tips on conducting...
Our meeting is open to the public and kid friendly. Visitors are welcome to join in the fun! We start...
Join us for our monthly public star party under the dark skies at Ransom Canyon's Meadow.
Join us for sidewalk astronomy at the First Friday Art Trail on the LHUCA patio!
The line of telescopes on the LHUCA patio, with Ken's 8" dob in the foreground, Robb's 14" behind that and...
Sorry folks, but it looks like the clouds will interfere with viewing tonight at the Ransom Canyon star party. We...
Early on the morning of Tuesday, Sep 17, the moon will cover Saturn. It's early in the morning and very...
A group of club members were among the 68 volunteers in 36 teams that participated in a Southwest Research Institute...
Equipment choices and Image Size During the August meeting, Tom Heisey gave a presentation on equipment choices for astrophotography. This...