
South Plains Astronomy Club

Observing Under The Dark West Texas Skies


The South Plains Astronomy Club (SPAC) is a tax-exempt public charity as determined by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in compliance with Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Tax Code. This means that donors can make contributions to SPAC and deduct these contributions from their Federal Income Tax under Section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code. In addition, SPAC can receive tax-deductible bequests, devises, transfers, or gifts under Sections 2055, 2106, and 2522 of the Internal Revenue Code. Donating to public charities is a common way that taxpayers can reduce how much they owe in Federal Income Tax while, at the same time, support worthy causes that benefit their community.

Why donate to the South Plains Astronomy Club?

Telescope Seminar
Telescope Seminar

One of the main goals of the South Plains Astronomy Club is to promote the understanding and enjoyment of astronomy among the general public. SPAC is very active in outreach activities that involve youth, church and school groups across the Texas South Plains. Through our twice-monthly Public Stargazing Events, we introduce whole communities to the wonder and enjoyment of the night sky. In an age where television, video games and the Internet dominate the free time of many people (in particular, young people), SPAC provides an alternative to experience first-hand the awe-inspiring beauty of the natural world around us and to gain an understanding of how it operates.

SPAC Members freely contribute their time to these educational and outreach activities but, in addition to this personal committment, additional resources are often needed. The costs of things like signs, hand-outs and other educational materials— in fact, hosting this website— make up a significant portion of our annual budget. SPAC’s annual income is modest, coming mainly from the dues paid by our Members. So, any additional source of funds can have a significant beneficial impact on the operations of the Club. Donations that might seem trivial to larger organizations can be important to SPAC!

What kinds of donations can I make to the South Plains Astronomy Club?

Of course, the simplest and most direct kind of donation is cash, in the form of currency, checks, or other monetary instruments. Larger donations, such as vehicles or property, can also be made. Details of such donations, including an appraisal of their value, can be worked out between the donor and the Executive Committee of the South Plains Astronomy Club.

Items can also be donated to SPAC. Some items, like telescopes, may be retained by the Club and used in our outreach activities. Most other items will be sold, with the resulting funds going into the Club’s bank account. SPAC’s Treasurer is prepared to receive such items and provide a formal receipt that includes a determination of their fair market value.

Federal Law prohibits any portion of a charitable contribution made to the South Plains Astronomy Club to be used to directly benefit any individual in the organization or be used for any for-profit activity. SPAC strictly adheres to these regulations, so donors can be confident that their contributions are going to support the Club’s educational and outreach activities.

How can I donate to the South Plains Astronomy Club?

If you want to donate using your PayPal account or a credit card, simply click the “Donate” button below. This will automatically transfer you to the secure PayPal site— any information you provide on that site (like your credit card number or email address) is secure and can’t be seen by anyone outside it. After your donation is complete, you’ll be returned to the SPAC website. You’ll get an email verification of your donation from PayPal for your records.

If you want to donate items, or you don’t want to use the Donate button, contact the South Plains Astronomy Club by sending us an email at [email protected], or by dropping us a line at our mailing address:

South Plains Astronomy Club
P.O. Box 53521
Lubbock, Texas, USA 79453