
South Plains Astronomy Club

Observing Under The Dark West Texas Skies

Line of telescopes at FFAT
The line of telescopes on the LHUCA patio, with Ken’s 8″ dob in the foreground, Robb’s 14″ behind that and Mark’s 8″ in the distance. Patrice with her 8″ is off to the right on the other side of the table. Barb’s refractor is near the orange jacket and Tom’s moon cam is behind Robb’s telescope.

On January 9, 2023, the South Plains Astronomy Club held our first First Friday Art Trail (FFAT) and we had a steady stream of visitors. We made many new friends, both young and old and it was a joy to share the view of the Moon, Jupiter, Saturn and Mars through our telescopes. Despite the bright streetlights, the crowd was enthusiastic and smiling!

Before the star party got into full swing, a few of us took quick snapshots of the event.

Setup at FFAT
Our scopes are set up and we’re waiting for the crowd to show up.
Robb and his 14" (FFAT)
Robb and his 14″ were a big hit and he always had the biggest line of people waiting to look through his scope!
Ken and his 8" (FFAT)
Ken is lining up his telescope for the next viewer
Tom and his moon cam (FFAT)
Tom at his moon cam show a couple the surface of the moon.
Mark and his 8" telescope (FFAT)
A visitor looking through Mark’s telescope at Jupiter.
Patrice and her 8" FFAT
Patrice helping a young astronomer look at the moon.
A visitor looking at the moon through Barb's telescope (FFAT)
A visitor looking at the moon through Barb’s telescope. Many were stunned at the great view a small refractor can provide!