
South Plains Astronomy Club

Observing Under The Dark West Texas Skies


Article written by club members for the public and other club members. We hope you find them both enlightening and enjoyable!

  • Presentation – Messier Marathon & Space News
    For the March meeting, Tom Heisey gave a presentation on the upcoming members’ only Messier…
  • Patroclus-Menoetius Occultation Presentation
    Tom Heisey gave a presentation on the LUCY mission, occultation campaign, and the science behind it at last Thursday’s meeting. It’s a fascinating area of citizen science.
  • Astrophotography Pt. 1 – Equipment
    During the August meeting, Tom Heisey gave a presentation on equipment choices for astrophotography. This was a basic discussion of how equipment choices affect the amount of sky you see and the targets you’ll shoot, not a discussion of the available equipment.
  • Betelgeuse Will Disappear Monday… Briefly.
    Betelgeuse is a variable red supergiant star that is the shoulder of the constellation Orion,…
  • How Fast Do Prominences Change?
    Prominences are the “flames” that stick out from the edge of the Sun, like this…