
South Plains Astronomy Club

Observing Under The Dark West Texas Skies

I was building a tour in my telescope controller based on the Astronomy League Carbon Star observing list. As I was looking for that list, I took a look at the other observing programs and realized that we, as a club, could easily work those lists into our fun sessions after the public leaves the star field. This presentation is the result.

As many members know, I had a controller die last star party. While reloading my spare controller, I found I had to rebuild the Carbon Star tour I had written a decade ago because my backup got corrupted. That tour was built in part on the Astronomy League Carbon Star observing list. As I was looking for that list, I took a look at the other observing programs and realized that we, as a club, could easily work those lists into our fun sessions after the public leaves the star field. This presentation is the result.

I would also like to urge members to consider going to ALCON 2022 in Albuquerque this June. It features Harrison Schmidt, the Apollo 17 astronaut, and a tour of VLA by astronomers for astronomers.


Program of March 2022 meeting by Tom Heisey
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