
South Plains Astronomy Club

Observing Under The Dark West Texas Skies

Weather permitting*, the South Plains Astronomy Club will host a public meteor shower watch party for the Perseid meteor shower at the Meadow in Ransom Canyon near the intersection of Cardinal Drive and West Lakeshore Drive. (See the map below.) We’ll start after dark, but the best show will be in the wee hours of the morning. Bring a comfortable chair or blanket and relax with us under the stars!

Our star party is open to the public. We are family friendly and love to answer your questions! Come out and view the skies through our telescopes!

Please visit our star party etiquette page for tips on conduct under the stars. We want everyone to have a safe and fun time!

*High winds, clouds, rain/snow, and haze interfere with viewing and can cause cancellation.

Perseid Meteor, 2015 by Tom Heisey
Perseid Meteor, 2015 by Tom Heisey
Ransom Canyon Map
Ransom Canyon Map