Yuexiao Shen will present his West Texas Observatory project on the Astronomy Imaging Channel (TAIC) on Sunday April, 17th (9:30...
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At a recent star party, my original keypad on my scope died and I had to switch to a spare....
Ansiaux (1729—1786) (??), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons Charles Messier (1730-1817) was a French astronomer and comet hunter. He discovered...
The presentation for the February meeting was on Messier Marathon by Tom Heisey. I covered the history of Charles Messier...
NEO Risk and Mitigation In Part I of this series, we discovered the asteroid Apophis' discovery and media furor that...
I've been photographing Comet Leonard since it emerged from the Sun's brilliance into our evening skies. Since it is less...
Presentation by Tom Heisey on the Perseverance rover on Mars. In particular, I concentrated on the engineering behind the sample...
Near-Earth Objects, History and Detection In Part I of this series, we discovered the asteroid Apophis' discovery and media furor...
Tom Heisey gave the presentation for the September meeting on the current news coming from Mars, primarily from the Perseverance...
As I was producing a PDF of my presentation from last month's meeting, I realized that the members had so...