February's First Friday Art Trail Sidewalk Astronomy was a great success! We estimate about 2,000 visitors looked through our telescopes...
Not yet implemented – added as a place-keeper
The line of telescopes on the LHUCA patio, with Ken's 8" dob in the foreground, Robb's 14" behind that and...
This month, we are embarking on an exciting new star party at Lubbock's First Friday Art Trail! We will set...
Sorry Folks, this event is canceled. CANCELED: The weather forecast is for overcast and rain, so we are cancelling the...
Main article: Occultation Chasers Nab the Shadow of Didymos, Post DART Impact NASA’s DART (Double Asteroid Redirection Test) deliberately slammed...
Join the TTU Department of Physics and Astronomy and the South Plains Astronomy Club for the October Astronight on October...
Amaris McCarver, a Physics & Astronomy Major at Texas Tech will present a talk on her search for pulsars in...
Sorry folks, we're cancelling tonight's star party at Ransom Canyon for rain and clouds - you can't see the stars...