
South Plains Astronomy Club

Observing Under The Dark West Texas Skies

Well, the weather forecasts are diverging, but none look really promising.  The “best” forecasts call for cloud cover for most of the event, only clearing two hours in.  Others show the clearing starting around 10 pm to 2am. Since it’s going to be around freezing with a light breeze and most folks will want the fireplace rather than gathering outside in the hope of a clear sky, we’re cancelling the star party and will try again in January.  Of course, now that we’ve canceled, the forecast will improve, and the skies will clear at sunset…

Lubbock Clear Sky Chart should update with time, but right now it shows a clearing (20% cloud cover) at 8pm (20-22 or 8-10pm) near what would be the end of the star party. The seeing and transparency (measures of how deep and steady the sky will be) are average or below average.