
South Plains Astronomy Club

Observing Under The Dark West Texas Skies

On July 20, 2023, Tom Heisey gave a presentation on solar telescope and the solar features you can see with them. He recently purchased a double-stacked Lunt 60mm solar telescope and a Herschel solar wedge, so he gave a brief viewing session prior to the meeting. Fortunately, we had clear skies and an active Sun for the viewing session.

After moving inside, Tom gave a presentation based mostly on his research into the various solar telescope technologies used by the main manufacturers. The info helped him determine the manufacturer and telescope he eventually purchased.

Here is the presentation with added notes and corrections:

Tom has also started solar imaging over the last week or two and here are a few of his results:

First photo of white light through the Herschel Wedge on July 14, 2023
(I haven’t solved the banding issue in these shots.) ZWO ASI174MM. Shot by Tom Heisey
First shot through the double-stacked Lunt LS60 on July 14, 2023 (ZWO ASI174MM) Shot by Tom Heisey
Herschel Wedge shot on July 19, 2023 (ZWO ASI174MM) Shot by Tom Heisey
Lunt LS60 double-stack image shot July 24, 2023 (ZWO ASI174MM) Shot by Tom Heisey
A close-up shot of the huge prominence and solar activity on July 24, 2023. (ZWO ASI174MM on a 2x Barlow) Shot by Tom Heisey