The line of telescopes on the LHUCA patio, with Ken's 8" dob in the foreground, Robb's 14" behind that and...
Public Star Parties
Star Parties. Future implementation – could be used for an announcement feed or a photo album. Out of habit, I’ve checked it for all announcements.
Saturday, August 19, 2023Solar Observing 6:00pm-8:00pm - RC Fire StationStar Party 9:00pm-11:00pm - The Meadow This month, we're spicing things...
Weather permitting*, the South Plains Astronomy Club will host a public meteor shower watch party for the Perseid meteor shower...
Join us this Friday from 6pm to 9pm during First Friday Art Trail near the Louise Hopkins Underwood Art Center....
Join us this Friday from 6pm to 9pm during First Friday Art Trail near the Louise Hopkins Underwood Art Center....
Sorry folks, we can't compete with the rain, so tonight's star party is cancelled. That's OK, we need the rain!...
Unfortunately, the cloud cover and winds have forced us to cancel tonight's star party. We hope to see you at...
The weather was forecast to be mostly or totally cloudy, so it was a pleasant surprise that the clouds held...
Join the TTU Astronomy for a Dr. Thomas Kupfer for his talk on the turbulent life of binary stars and...