Join us for our monthly public star party under the dark skies at Ransom Canyon's Meadow.
Early on the morning of Tuesday, Sep 17, the moon will cover Saturn. It's early in the morning and very...
Betelgeuse is a variable red supergiant star that is the shoulder of the constellation Orion, visible in our night sky...
Saturday, August 19, 2023Solar Observing 6:00pm-8:00pm - RC Fire StationStar Party 9:00pm-11:00pm - The Meadow This month, we're spicing things...
Friends, the weather is iffy and if forecast to go overcast. Check the sky before leaving for Ransom Canyon! We...
Sorry Folks, this event is canceled. CANCELED: The weather forecast is for overcast and rain, so we are cancelling the...
Amaris McCarver, a Physics & Astronomy Major at Texas Tech will present a talk on her search for pulsars in...
An article on got me thinking about an experiment for the fall: Visible Light from a Black Hole Spotted...
Yuexiao Shen will present his West Texas Observatory project on the Astronomy Imaging Channel (TAIC) on Sunday April, 17th (9:30...
As many members know, I had a controller die last star party. While reloading my spare controller, I found I...